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Art contest before the event: Ma Bulle @ Polymanga / Art contest before the event: Ma Bulle @ Polymanga
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Ma Bulle Drawing Contest, how to participate?
How to participate?
MaBulle is an individual drawing contest that takes place BEFORE the festival. Note: It’s a drawing contest only for artists selected to exhibit in the artists’ village.
Participation in My Bubble is mandatory for all artists with a stand at Polymanga. Each participant must present a piece they have created entirely on their own from start to finish. It cannot be a collaborative work or created with the assistance of artificial intelligence.
Each participant must create an illustration 20cmx20cm, 300 DPI, on the following theme “island”.
The artwork must be:
– square-sized, 20cmx20cm, AND – in 300 dpi/ppi
– saved in .jpg format
– in RGB mode
– you must be able to read “Polymanga 2024” on it
– in your e-mail there must be your artist name and a link to your Instagram account
-One person must be the sole author of the artwork.
Must not be:
– erotic
– a copy
– generated by artificial intelligence
– depict someone smoking or holding a cigarette
– Images depicting violence are subject to the organizer’s discretion.
Deadline for submission via email to art@polymanga.com: Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 1:00 PM (Paris Time). The file size should be under 10 MB and should not be compressed in .RAR format. You can also provide links to the image in question.
A total of 12 prizes are awarded
6 Social Media Prizes
We will let the public vote for their favorite drawing on Instagram from Monday, February 12, to Wednesday, February 21, 2:00 PM. Based on the number of “likes,” the winners will receive 500CHF for the 1st place, 300CHF for the 2nd place, 200CHF for the 3rd place, 200CHF for the 4th place, 200CHF for the 5th place, and 120CHF for the 6th place.
6 Jury Prizes
Additionally, each submission will be judged by a panel. Winners selected by the jury will receive equivalent amounts to the social media prizes. The 1st place will receive 500CHF, the 2nd place 300CHF, the 3rd place 200CHF, the 4th place 200CHF, the 5th place 200CHF, and the 6th place 120CHF.
Prizes are doubled in case of placement in both the jury and public categories.
Note: Polymanga reserves the right to reject a submitted image (copy, eroticism, format, violence, etc.). In such cases, the participant has the right to submit a new one. A strong participation in My Bubble can weigh in your favor for the next artist selection at the festival.
The contest rules may be modified at any time by the organizer