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Polymanga artists village (29 March to 1 April at Beaulieu Lausanne in Switzerland): It’s time to register. Artists’ booths are free, but there’s a selection among all the applicants.
To apply for a booth, simply fill in the art contact form on Polymanga.com website between 18 December 2023 and 10 January 2024 in the Artists category.
You must include 3 illustrations per artist. The selection is individual.
Fanart, erotic drawings and drawings generated by artificial intelligence are not permitted in the 3 illustrations you submit for Polymanga’s selection. The 3 illustrations must be chosen from among those you have not yet submitted to the organisation. Put your heart and soul into these 3 creations, as we will only judge on these 3 drawings. It happens that some talented artists neglect this phase and are rejected because their 3 drawings were done in a hurry.
On site, erotic or pornographic drawings, drawings of people smoking, drawings generated by artificial intelligences, copies and gory drawings are prohibited. They may not be displayed on the booth or in a closed folder. It is not permitted to have a binder of drawings prohibited at Polymanga “on demand” or to make orders related to subjects prohibited at Polymanga. Fanart is accepted as long as it does not correspond to more than 30% of the creations displayed on the booth. Violent drawings are subject to the discretion of the organisers.
The deadline for submitting the form is 11.59pm on 10 January 2024. You will find out from 15 January if you are one of the lucky ones.
The file you send us must not exceed 10 MB.
The file containing your 3 drawings must be in ZIP or PDF format (no RAR format). You can also send us links to the images.
All artists selected to have a booth must take part in the Ma Bulle à Polymanga drawing competition before the festival.
NB: The “artists” category is reserved for people who can draw; we do not have stands reserved for scriptwriters who do not draw.